The British Council Zambia staff is a diverse team of experienced individuals here to serve you.

Country Director

Our Country Director oversees the operation of the British Council in Zambia.

Resource Team

This team ensures the smooth and successful running and management of finances and resources, which includes hiring the right individuals, providing the right equipment, ensuring safety of employees and our visitors and so much more. 

Projects Team

Our Projects team delivers education programmes and projects that contribute to the improvement of quality education in schools in Zambia and in providing new skills development opportunities to young Zambians. 

Exams Team

This team is made up of exam officers and invigilators.  Together they provide a medium that enables you to achieve your academic and professional dreams and aspirations by providing facilities and an environment to enable you to sit your examination(s).


The Zambia Accountability Programme (ZAP) team

This manages the largest governance programme in Zambia, funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). The aim of ZAP is to strengthen mechanisms of accountability in order to deliver greater citizen influence. ZAP will support the development of a more open and equitable society, providing opportunities for more Zambians, particularly the young, to participate fully in their society.


The Zambia Education Sector SUPPORT TeCHNICAL ASSISTANCE (ZESSTA) team

The Zambia Education Sector Support Technical Assistance (ZESSTA) Facility supports the Government of Zambia to strengthen the education sector and improve learning outcomes for children. We focus on capacity strengthening as sustainable support to improved service delivery in the education sector. Our work is demand-driven and linked to ministerial annual planning processes, focused on education sector priorities and responsive to current and emerging needs.



Contact us for more information about our team and the services we provide.